Sunday, February 9, 2014

Fuli's Story

Hey there! My name is Fuli Chan and I live in the fourth largest state known as  Montana.(: I live with my dog named LuLu, my sister who is 3 years older, and with my mom and dad.

I was born on April 18, 2000 and my parents came to get me on June 17, 2001. I was born in Cenxi Guanxi, China. About 5 hours away from Nanning.

When my parents came to get me, I was scared, worried, confused, and VERY tired. I didn't know what was happening (of course) because in my mind I was thinking,"Why on EARTH would they (the orphanage caretakers) be giving me away??" But as soon as they handed me to my new mom I was very clingy to her. I would hold onto her as tight as I could! My new dad was taking a ton of pictures and videoing the whole thing. Quite an emotional state for my main orphanage caretaker though. Separated from her forever.

However, on June 16, 2012, my family and I went on a 3 week trip to China. A dream come true for both my sister and I. We flew to Washington, then on an 18 hour flight to Seoul, South Korea, then upwards to Beijing. My family was with the "Holt" adoption group.

Man, did we go to a ton of places!(: My family and I loved every single moment of our trip. My sister reunited with her foster family and saw her orphanage. I saw my orphanage and had lunch with the adoption director (from the time) and believe it or not, my main orphanage caretaker. Best moment of my life. We smiled, we cried, and we talked. When my parents got me, they took a photo of her (my caretaker) and me (In 2001). When we met up again, (in 2012) she still had that photo in her purse. I can't believe she had kept that photo for 11 years!(': That made my whole family cry including her. That moment was definitely pure happiness.

We had such a journey in China and seeing all of those Asians made me feel more comfortable than ever. It made me feel like I belonged. Montana doesn't have very many Asians. Adoption was and still is hard for me at times. Just the thought of not seeing or not being able to meet my birth parents is such a hard topic for me. And I am still slowly getting used to it.

DNA doesn't make a family though.. Love does. And we are very lucky that we were adopted.💜

Love, Fuli💋

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